GOD IS LOVE. (1 John 4:8)
February 13, 2008. T'was the night before Valentine's Day. We decided to make the midweek service a pre-Valentine celebration instead. The youth group, Pastor Mark, and I organized a special service to be able to focus on the topic of love and courtship from God's perspective.
We invited young people and a lot of them came, including those from Central Philippine University, John B. Lacson University, and West Visayas State University.
We had fun with the games. There were two games: the plane fight, and the heart-match puzzle. The young people were able to get to know each other and interact with new peers. This was a fun way to build fellowship.
We gave away prizes for these as well.
I led worship as we rocked out with loud praise that night. So it was more of a youth service /singles night than it was a regular midweek Bible study.
Pastor Mike taught on the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 13, and taught us how to keep the Lord Jesus central in the area of relationships. He also gave opportunity for those who didn't know the Lord to receive Him that night into their hearts as their personal Lord and Savior.
After the message we sang some songs and distributed food to those who came.
May we always love one another with the same love God has shown us in Christ Jesus. And not just on Valentine's.
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