Thursday, May 17, 2007


The butterfly -- yes, we can talk about this now. Butterflies are fascinating creatures in that they emerge from a worm-like creature to a beautiful flying insect.

As we go through life, changes happen constantly. New seasons, new friends, new jobs, new churches, new ministries, new babies, new cars, and many more. Changes happen.

I personally struggle with discomfort in seasons of change. But on occasions like this, it is good to remember that the most uncomfortable stage in a butterfly's life is the pupal stage. The butterfly at this stage is called a Chrysalis. To illustrate, here's another picture from Wikipedia:

Max Lucado's Hermie illustrates very well the parallel of Christian character development to that of a Chrysalis. When God is working in our lives, we get impatient at times when all we do is eat leaves everyday, so to speak. The daily life is getting a little bit too boring for us and we start looking for new thrills. But the lesson here is to trust God and rest in Him, since He is going to give us a heart like His. This is Christlikeness, the true gem of Christian character and spiritual maturity.

Considering the story of Hermie, as well as any other butterfly, there is that stage in the cocoon when the Chrysalis struggles to get out. This is a critical stage. If you try to help out a Chrysalis, you'll kill it. And if we try to help God in this stage of struggle in our Christian walk, we might not be receiving all that God has for us. Let's not get into the arm of man -- the power of the flesh, but allow the Holy Spirit to mold us into Christlikeness. This can mean a new season in our lives -- something fresh that God is preparing. The transition can be painful.

I remember a struggle I had in the past when I was finishing my master's degree. I got very comfortable with the lifestyle of a distance education student, and it was time to end that season of my life. God's time for me to step into a new season was at hand. God did move. He helped me get out of that wilderness into a new season in my life, but I had to let Him do it. I had to pray and trust God everyday, and listen to His instructions for that day. God guided me every step of the way, and it wasn't even at just one place. I had to travel a lot.

Here I am in my new cocoon. I sense that God is getting ready to do something new in my life again. Whether it be a molding of my character, changes in my schedule, or any other change, it will be for my growth. And if God is doing the same work in you, praise Him for that. You're about to fly. In the words of Heimlich the caterpillar in A Bug's Life, "I will become a beeeeautiful butterfly!" Unlike Heimlich though, we would really be able to fly. =)

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