Saturday, April 15, 2006


This Indian mango tree needs sunlight to survive. Like this tree, we need light, too. We need Sonlight. Jesus, God's Son, said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12) And if you're a Christian, you are to be a reflector of that light to this dark world.


Cute? This is one of our dogs, Tuesday. He's the photogenic type and seems to always know when there's a camera around.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dry Season Vacation

Here in the Philippines, we only have two seasons: wet and dry. During the dry months, the school year ends and kids are off to summer vacation. This reduces the number of people that come to our youth meetings, since some of the youth go back to their families out of town for summer vacation. But the work goes on, and here I am standing with some of the youth who come to our youth meetings during the dry season.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Edel Mar

Sitting at my right is our brother in the Lord, Edel Mar. We took him out to dinner the night before he left for Manila for police training. Wherever he may be assigned, we know for sure we'll see each other in heaven. Among us Christians, it's never really a goodbye. It's just "See you later..."

Corvi and Sharon

This is Corvi and Sharon, my friends who attend our church. This was taken two days before their wedding. The celebration was truly joyful, and I know that God is the One who brought them together.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Rey Lord

Sitting beside me is a close friend, Rey Lord. This was at his engagement party that I had attended recently, where I had a great fun time. It's interesting that our relationship with our Lord Jesus is very much like an engagement. He gave us His Holy Spirit (the ring) as a guarantee that one day we will be caught up with Him to heaven to be with Him forever (the wedding). I can't wait... and I know the food there will be great.